Curtain Side Trailer
A curtain side is basically a flatbed with an upper structure mounted to the flatbed as a tarp system. The curtain side is a flatbed trailer containing a front, a roof and rear doors, similar to a van, yet having side curtains that slide like a shower curtain. The curtain side’s primary disadvantage, when compared against the Conestoga, is the limiting factor regarding the ability to load its cargo from overhead. The framework of the sliding curtains prohibits overhead loading of the cargo. However, the curtain side trailer has much more flexibility in hauling products greater than 102 inches in that it allows room for error in loading its cargo.
Legal Weight and Dimensions:
Maximum Freight Weight: 0 lbs to 0 lbs.
Maximum Freight Dimensions:
Maximum Trailer Length: 0 ft – 0 ft.
Maximum Trailer Width: 0 ft.
Maximum Trailer Height: 0 ft.